Friday, October 12, 2007

Right: She's all yours ...

and that says a lot about who you are ...

COULTER: Well, OK, take the Republican National Convention. People were happy. They're Christian. They're tolerant. They defend America, they --

DEUTSCH: Christian -- so we should be Christian? It would be better if we were all Christian?


DEUTSCH: We should all be Christian?

COULTER: Yes. Would you like to come to church with me, Donny?

DEUTSCH: So I should not be a Jew, I should be a Christian, and this would be a better place? (snip) We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians, then, or --


DEUTSCH: Really?

COULTER: Well, it's a lot easier. It's kind of a fast track.

DEUTSCH: Really?

COULTER: Yeah. You have to obey.

DEUTSCH: You can't possibly believe that.


DEUTSCH: You can't possibly -- you're too educated, you can't -- you're like my friend in --

COULTER: Do you know what Christianity is? We believe your religion, but you have to obey.

DEUTSCH: No, no, no, but I mean --

COULTER: We have the fast-track program.

COULTER: No, we think -- we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.

DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?

COULTER: Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws. We know we're all sinners --

DEUTSCH: In my old days, I would have argued -- when you say something absurd like that, there's no --

COULTER: What's absurd?

DEUTSCH: Jews are going to be perfected. I'm going to go off and try to perfect myself --

My take on it? Can you spell B-I-G-O-T?

1 comment:

Sir.Chadwick said...

Good day to you, Sir Joe. My name is Chad. I am 27, and ex-military (US Navy). On this fine Saturday afternoon, I was sitting here bored, and decided to browse through bloggers on google, just for kicks. AS I passed through, i found yours, but what caught my eye was your age, and I mean that in no disrespect. I often find that older (wiser) people are far more fun to talk to, since my generation, and the ones lacking, are well........lacking. I am not much into polotics, and I know that may be somewhat rude of me, but I just never had a taste for the whole game. Perhaps as I grow older, and wiser, I will find more desires to entertain that bit of knowledge, but as for now, I embrace being "innocent". I was raised by my grandparents, which were "christian" Missionaries. I used to share their beleifs, but as I traveled with them, to countless countries, I found myself wondering, one: how can we (christians) be right when there are cultures older than us that have different Gods or beleifs, and have not been turned to salt. Two: They are all based on such primative ideals, make little to no sense, other than morals, and as staed above, are older than the one I was spoon fed. To avoid babbling as I often do, I began looking into other "ideals". Long story short, I found Buddhisim to be the one that fit me. Anywho. I rarely watch T.V. perhpas to avoid the emotional roller coaster of programs to comercials. The times I do, i just flip the channels untill I find something that suits me, or catches my attention. This woman, that you posted this blog on, was one of those mishaps. I sat there and watched her, (I do not remember what it was about, nor the time line.) But she was just as "mental" as you had just retorted. Are there really people like that in our political offices? Yes, i served under Bush, and I know exactly how much trash is getting in the government, so i can guess that the answer would be yes. I do not hold ANY political stature, I have issues with all governments, and religions. But I am always open to debates and conversations with those that do. As I said, you seem quite wise, and I do hope and look forward to reading more of your "bloggs", more so hear from you. Cheers to you, good sir, and keep fighting the good fight. (To know more about me, and my oppinions, when bored or up for a good laugh, drop in on my "blogg". I would love to have you as a guest.)