Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Economic Lies From the GOP Debate

Hale "Bonddad" Stewart
Posted October 9, 2007 | 05:36 PM (EST)

Actually, I didn't watch the debate. I haven't watched a debate yet and won't until we get down to two candidates. But I can tell you exactly what the Republicans said without seeing them.

Reagan's policies saved the country, tax cuts pay for themselves, and deficits don't matter.

So let's see the real record of Republicans, shall we?

After the click.

My comment: Try running some proportional deficits on YOUR credit card and see what happens to your credit rating. These "Family Values" people simply can't count.

Let's hope our children never get an education. If they do, they may figure out how much we've charged against THEIR credit card and if they figure that out, they may not be visiting you in that nursing home during your golden years.

The "Greatest Generation" set the stage for the greatest generational transfer of wealth - from their generation to ours - in the history of the planet. We are setting the stage for the single greatest transfer of debt - from our generation to the generations that follow us - thanks to the Family Values folks and their idea of fiscal responsibility. They would rather borrow, borrow, borrow than "pay-as-you-go". They call THAT "tax-and-spend".

1 comment:

Trudy said...

Love your commentary Joe. I just read Friedman's column in the NY Times this morning about Generation Q...the quiet generation and he mentioned about our kids all working for China in about twenty years if this deficit isn't brought under control. Thanks Chimpy!

You're absolutely right about the Republican's "borrow, borrow" rather than tax. They simply don't want to feel any financial pinch in the form of taxes.....they'd rather just keep the cash flowing in, so that they can still "feel rich" which is the driving neurotic dysfunction which underlies all the Republican strategies. Do they all have little d***s? Otherwise I can't account for their hugely disproportionate over compensation in the greed department.

What's your take on the psychological illness which plagues them?