Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hilary gets it totally bass ackwards

“I’m respectfully asking al Qaeda for a brief hiatus,” said Sen. Clinton, “until we can accomplish our shared goal of removing Republicans from power.”

Read the rest ...

WTF? The Republican Party is the best thing that ever happened to al Qaeda! Their fear induced war mongering and crusader mentality has been the best recruiting tool Ossama bed Linen could have ever imagined.

Without Republican jingoism and abysmal ignorance about the middle east (there's more than one kind of Muslim? duh!), without their rush to war in Iraq behind the leadership of a C-, socially promoted, draft dodging, inarticulate, consistent business failure, bed Linen would be cornered and at bay (if not dead by now) in Afghanistan. But neither they nor the current occupant of the White House could tell the difference between a secular strong man on a power trip and a religious fanatic on a mission - neither of whom would ever share power with the other. Too late, the Republicans are waking up the the realization that they've been had by their own faith-based initiative to bring overnight, 21st century multi-party democracy to an artificial nation-state run by 10h century tribal affiliations and blood feuds for the last 3,000 years - while attempting to reduce our own government to a one party, totalitarian system.

Hilary gets it totally wrong. The LAST thing al Qaeda wants to see is the Republicans loose power. A powerless Republican Party, the party of irrational fear and saber rattling "bring-'em-on" bravado would eliminate most of al Qaeda's reason for existing.

If bed Linen could "vote early and vote often" he'd vote in his own best interest and his best interest is to keep ignorance and xenophobia on the Crusade. Without doubt bed Linen would like it just fine if the Bush-bozo could be re-elected for a third term.

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