Thursday, April 19, 2007

Its getting drafty in here ... again

According to the Marine Corps Times:
The Senate Armed Services Committee heard testimony Tuesday that increasing the size of the Army and Marine Corps may not resolve severe and growing personnel problems. There was even talk of returning to the draft to fill the ranks.
I've found myself in conversations where the topic has come up on a number of times since Sen. Rangel (D-NY) brought it up awhile ago.

I think I have a useful idea.

In the recent past (WWII, Korea and Viet Nam), the responsibility for shouldering the burden of military service has fallen to those who benefit least from being part of this great nation. Recruiters for the all volunteer military seek out the disadvantaged, the poor, the under-educated in their efforts and now they may also waive criminal records to fill the ranks.

If we are to re-institute a draft to fill our military service's personnel needs again, I would suggest that it be structured in such a way that those who have benefited most, the wealthy and privileged - those who have become multi-millionaires, who have tax breaks that protect their wealth - let them be tapped first. They have the most to loose if our country experiences threats from outside its borders. They have the most to gain by maintaining our military might and dominance throughout the world.

I would imagine they would see it as their patriotic duty to defend their wealth and position by sending their children into harms way. It would have the added benefit that their children would have actually earned their inheritance, too.

I would imagine those on the Right who promote the idea of "personal responsibility" would be in favor of the idea as well. Taking direct and personal responsibility to protect and defend one's wealth and one's country should fit right into that proposition.

Why, from the American Revolution and through the Civil War and as recently as the Spanish American War in 1898, it was not uncommon for individuals of wealth and position to personally raise and equip whole regiments at their own expense - and lead them into battle, too!

Why have we abandoned our history? I think we should resurrect some of the old ways!

It could all be accomplished at the stroke of a pen!

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