It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ...

I bought a little Sony CyberShot, 4.1 megapixel, point-and-shoot camera to use alongside the Canon 300D SLR. I plan to use it mostly for "street" shooting. The things that recommended the camera to me were the facts that:
- It's physicaly pretty small. It fits easily in the palm of my hand or in my pocket and I can carry it with me where ever I go.
- It's quiet. You don't get that barn-door slam that comes part and parcel with an SLR mirror. You can turn off the shutter beep, making the camera totally silent.
- It's one of the least expensive 4 megapixel cameras on the market. It puts out decent resolution - though I think I'm going to have to buy a little more memory than the 16 Meg that comes with the camera.
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