Monday, August 06, 2007

Gingrich Becomes an Amarica Hating Hippy

Newt quotes from a recent conference for right-wing, patriotic, all-American college conservatives:
  • “We’ve been engaged in a phony war.”
  • “None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war.”
  • [Republicans] "... were in charge for six years … I don’t think you can look and say that was a great success.”
  • “First of all, we have to have a national energy strategy, which basically says to the Saudis, ‘We’re not going to rely on you.’”
Duh! Haven't there been a bunch of folks saying all that crap for a while now? Aren't they the left-leaning, commie-pinko, Marxist-Leninist, socialist Democrats who hate American and want to see American loose?

As a mater of fact, weren't they labeled "left-leaning, commie-pinko, Marxist-Leninist, socialist Democrats who hate American and want to see American loose" SPECIFICALLY for saying those things?

I'm confused!

According to Wonkette, "Gingrich also refused to name his favored candidate for the Republican nomination, and continued to pimp his dorkily named Websites, and Many observers feel that this more groundwork-laying for a potential presidential campaign, but we suspect that it’s all part of an elaborate play for Dennis Kucinich’s wife."

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