Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eavesdropping in a DC parking lot

Scene: Man cuts a woman off to snatch a coveted parking space along a Clarendon street. Woman (looks to be in her mid 60's) stops car and gets out. She goes over to the man and starts tearing him a new one:

Man: Ma'am, it's just a parking space, settle down.

Grandma: Don't tell me to settle down!

Man: Ma'am think about your dignity, think about your self respect!

Grandma: Don't talk to me about fucking self respect you motherfucker!

Yup ... really.

Why do I find this so amusing?


Trudy said...

Shock value, dontcha think Joe? Seems we always laugh at something incongruous; something that surprises, uh....not like a Tsunami, but in little absurd human interactions.


Trudy said...

It's the shock value Joe. something out of left field, unexpected can always be funny.......not something like a tsunami ........but quirky human interactions? Oh hell yeah!