Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bumper Sticker Mentality

Glenn Greenwald / Salon

One way to look at the threat posed by Islamic radicalism (let us call it Option A) is to see it as the Epic War of Civilizations, the Existential Threat to Everything, the Gravest and Scariest Danger Ever Faced which is going to take over the U.S. and force us all to bow to Islam.

Another way to look at it (let us call this Option B) is to dismiss it entirely, to believe there is nothing wrong with Islamic radicalism, to think it should just be completely ignored because it poses no dangers of any kind.

There are, however, other options besides A and B. Therefore, to reject Option A is not to embrace Option B.

One would have thought that logical principle too self-evident to require pointing out, but as is typically the case when one assumes that, one is proven wrong.

On a different note, is the curriculum for history classes in some American states restricted to learning about Hitler and the Nazis and 1938 and Hitler and Germany? It must be, because there are many right-wing fanatics whose entire understanding of the world is reduced in every instance to that sole historical event -- as though the world began in 1937, ended in 1945, and we just re-live that moment in time over and over and over:

Love war? You are Churchill, a noble warrior. Oppose war? You're Chamberlain, a vile appeaser. And everyone else is Hitler. That, more or less, composes the full scope of "thought" among this strain on the right.

Read the lead up ...

The real joke is when you do a little reading about the Bush family history and find 'ole grand-dad, Prescott, was a Nazi sympathizer who was involved in an aborted plot to overthrow Roosevelt ... with the ultimate aim of entering the war on the side of Nazi Germany. Maybe that has something to do with the the fascination ... does the German American Bund ring a bell? If not, look them up. It'll be instructive.

Is there a conspiracy? Not at all, but rotten apples don't fall very far from the tree.

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