Friday, February 09, 2007

Missing the Point

I've been watching this whole Pelosi BS over the use of Air Force transportation and, as the truth of the matter comes out, it gets more and more ridiculous.

Lacking any ability to sort truth from fiction or to prioritize in the face of their bumbling domestic and international incompetence, the "all-hat-no-cattle" Republican cowboys once again try to distract from their ineptitude by manufacturing lightweight controversy - elevating what might normally be interesting to the level of important while ignoring the truly important (like war, an economy that serves only a few, the absence of equitable health care in the richest nation on the planet ... actual issues ...)

What's the problem, guys ... annoyed that Pelosi isn't honoring the long standing and highly revered Republican tradition ... of having lobbyists pay for their transportation?

It seems to go right along with so many other things:

  • Weapons of mass destruction ... that weren't there.
  • Ties to al Qaeda that didn't exist.
  • The absence of ethics and honesty from the top on down to Swift Boaters to Delay to Abramoff and to "Scooter" Libby.

This list is seemingly endless.

How is it that a significant segment of the population can watch all of this go buy without seeing the corruption is beyond me.

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