Friday, February 06, 2009

Hardship Hits Wall Street

from the New York Post:

(regarding Obama's rule capping the salaries of execs of companies getting taxpayer bailout money)

"These guys have been making a certain amount of money for years and years. . . All of a sudden when you slash it down to half a million dollars what are they going to do?"

My comment: I guess you could make a similar case for the guy who made on the order of $30K or $40K for years and who's now on the unemployment line because of the poor judgment and greed of the SOB who's had his pay slashed to "ONLY" half a million a year. What's THAT fella going to do? And there are lot more of HIM out there.

Personally, I think I could make it on half a mil ... barely, right?

Let them eat cake? Those are the kinds of words that start bloody revolutions.

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