Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Kiw da wabbit!

I can't help it. I go through life and everywhere I look, I see scenes from comic books and cartoons. I watched the debate on Tuesday night. It didn't strike me at the time but all day today, on the news channels, in YouTube clips sent by friends and linked from the millions of political blogs I track in my news reader, I've been confronted by clips from the debate.

At one point, the phone rang and I put the little TV in my office on "mute". It was a wrong number ... but I kept watching the clip from the debate with the sound off. That's when it struck me! Elmer Fudd and Buggs Bunny!

There was John McCain, stalking around the debate stage with a microphone in his hand, looking for all the world like the spitting image of Elmer Fudd! All that was missing was the cute little hunting hat and he double barrel shot gun. I could just hear him muttering angrily under his breath, "Kiw da wabbit! Kiw da wabbit!"

And there, on the other side of the stage, sitting leisurely on a stool, one leg languidly extended, dapper and cool, with just the hint of a smile sat Barack Obama .... looking for all the world like Buggs Bunny. I could almost see him munching on a carrot and occasionally huffing on his nails, then polishing them on the lapel of his suit.

The image goes further. At least it goes further in my mind. As I'm sure you know, every time Elmer tries to "kiw da wabbit" he ends up hurting himself.

That was the debate in a nut shell.

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