Saturday, September 15, 2007

My imaginary friend is more real than your imaginary friend - Part 2

Switcheroo: American minister sends video to Osama

Says he's damned to hell if he doesn't repent, convert

WASHINGTON – An American television evangelist has turned the tables on al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden – sending him a video message warning him to repent of his sins and convert to Christianity.

"Osama, since you seem to be a fan of video messages, I thought this would be the best way to communicate with you," says Bill Keller, host of the Florida-based "Live Prayer" TV program as well as in a message being posted to YouTube and 20 other major video sites in the U.S. as well as some 50 in the Middle East.

Keller said his goal was to reach out to bin Laden with a message of salvation.

"Look at you, look at your life," Keller says. "You live like a hunted goat in caves, totally dependent on a small group of people for your survival. At any moment, one of those you trust could betray you like Judas betrayed Jesus and your life would be over. The false prophet you follow, Mohammad, was poisoned to death by one of his wives."

The rest of the story after you click ...

Each having precisely the same amount of evidence that their position is based on fact and the other's opinion is based on fiction and fallacy. A theological pissing contest. Let the games begin!

Watch the video here ...

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