Monday, September 03, 2007

'08 Candidates Spent Over $16 Million On Consultants In Just Six Months

As they used to say about Busweiser Beer, anything brewed to be inoffensive to so many can't have much taste left at all ...

WASHINGTON - Bill Clinton began his quest for the White House with just five clerical staff to supplement volunteers in the early fall of 1991. His $26,543 in expenditures for the first three months included $342.88 for telephone installation, $1,263.34 for office supplies, and $418.09 for the ingredients to make cookies for his announcement celebration.

Sixteen years later, at a similar stage of the campaign, his wife, Hillary Clinton, has already paid more than $1.3 million to 10 different types of professional political operatives to advise her on everything from media strategy to trip planning and Internet use. Her campaign, which has spent $17.8 million overall, hired more than 350 people during the first half of this year, making it a bigger employer than 96 percent of US businesses, according to the US Census Bureau.

From National News.

It's not just about Hilary. As democracies go, we've built the best government money can buy.

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