Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Why should I ...

I was just watching CSNBC and the anchor was interviewing an irate, indignant, conservative voter and tax payer who was asking the question, "Why should I help bail out anyone with my tax dollars who made irresponsible financial decisions."

Spoken like a true conservative who lives in a vacuum.

The answer is relatively simple. If you don't:
  • the housing market will collapse
  • along with all the lenders, spreading to the entire financial community
  • your house will become worth even less than it is today, crushing your net worth
  • the country will spiral into a depression
  • your life savings will disappear as a result of inflation that seems to ba a part of this particular cycle
  • your company will close its doors and you'll loose your job because nobody is buying what they're selling and they can't get a loan to bridge out of the bad times because the financial institutions collapsed
and it's not a situation where you can pick one that you feel is the lesser of the evils. It's one of those "all of the above" situations.

But then you voted for candidates who promoted tax cuts while borrowing to cover the shortfalls. You voted for candidates who favored no regulation on business instead of reasonable regulations. If anyone was irresponsible, it was you ... at the very least, you're included on the list of those who were. All because you live in a vacuum and think that YOUR actions have no consequences. Only the other guy's actions have consequences! You helped create this mess with you attitudes and your "me first" philosophy, so you can jolly well grin and bear it while you help us all get out of this set of unfortunate circumstances.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

GREAT post Joe! You are absolutely correct, especially in your analysis of "it's an all of the above" situation.

I read this post aloud to my husband.
