Bush Supporters Spread Racist Rumors About McCain’s Daughter in 2000.
Bush supporters in South Carolina made race-baiting phone calls saying that McCain had a “black child.” The McCains’ daughter, Bridget, was adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh. In August 2000, columnist Maureen Dowd wrote that the McCains “are still seething about Bush supporters in South Carolina spreading word of their dark-skinned adopted daughter.”
After Rove Denied Role In McCain Whisper Campaign in 2000, Reporters Concluded He Was Behind It.
A December 1999 Dallas Morning News linked Rove to a series of campaign dirty tricks, including his College Republican efforts, allegedly starting a whisper campaign about Ann Richard being too gay-friendly, spreading stories about Jim Hightower’s involvement in a kickback scheme and leaking the educational history of Lena Guerrero. The article also outlined current dirty tricks and whisper campaigns against McCain in South Carolina, including that “McCain may be unstable as a result of being tortured while a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.” (DMN, 12/2/99) After the article was published, Rove blasted Slater in the Manchester, NH airport, “nose to nose” according to one witness, with Rove claiming Slater had “harmed his reputation,” Slater later noted. But according to one witness, “What was interesting then is that everyone on the campaign charter concluded that Rove was responsible for rumors about McCain.”
More about the Bush-McCain meet-up in South Carolina in 2000 here.
My comment:
For McCain to hug Bush after the litany of lies the Bush campaign perpetrated against him says something about his character ... or, in my book, the lack of it. I guess it says something about the Family Values Party ... to be able to field all that crap against one of their own without an ounce of shame. Not just the party but the people who support it, too.
Afraid that their ideas can't carry the debate, they resort to out right fabrications. Now there's a Family Value for you. Something for your kids to look up to and admire.
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