Obama "refused to not only put his hand on his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, but refused to say the pledge."
Chain e-mail on Thursday, November 8th, 2007 in an e-mail circulated by many people.
Photo was taken during anthem, not pledge
A chain e-mail says a photograph shows Barack Obama is unpatriotic because he "refused" to say the Pledge of Allegiance and did not put his hand over his heart.
In the photograph, Barack Obama is standing in front of an American flag with his hands clasped just below his waist. Beside him are Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton, with their hands on their hearts.
The e-mail notes that Obama’s middle name is “Hussein” and says he “REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????”
But the Time magazine photograph wasn’t taken during the Pledge of Allegiance; it was taken during the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
My comment: I guess outright lies are part of Family Values.
A dyed-in-the-wool Republican friend of mine forwarded the e-mail to me on 11/1 with an indignant note. That puts him pretty close to the beginning of the chain. I suggested there were far more significant issues at stake. Now that the truth is out, maybe the "hand-over-the-heart" thing is a significant issue. Lacking rational arguments to support their positions, the Right is at it again given the national disgrace we experienced in the "Swiftboating" of John Kerry in the run-up to the 2004 election. That strikes me as pretty significant. But, my god, don't these people ever learn. They fall for the same brand of hooie and horse-pucky every time. (Can you spell "g-u-l-l-i-b-l-e"?) You'd think they'd catch on eventually. Rather than checking the facts, it seems they'd rather embrace their negative fantasies. Rather than debate real issues, they'd rather hop on a bandwagon of lies and personal attacks. They get suckered every time.
I e-mailed my friend the link (above) to the St. Petersburg Times / Congressional Quarterly "PolitiFact" piece. I wonder if he forwarded it to the same list of people he sent the original piece to? What do you think?
Wither you're a Conservative Republican or a Liberal Democrat, I would hope that the truth and honesty are important values in your world.
1 comment:
I got this same email from my Republican cousin, a retired SF cop.
The Authoritarian followers' mindset is to cherry pick whatever whips up their emotional indignation to the perceived notion of "lack of Patriotism" (they don't know the true meaning of the word). They'll stick to whatever rumor/story is most outrageous and if facts are introduced which contradict their conclusions, the facts are summarily ignored so they can continue on their glorious patriotic "high". They are not much different than Holy Rollers whooping it up, hollering and writhing on the ground, convinced that their babbling is "speaking in tongues". They are in love with the endorphins whipped up in their brain chemistry by all of this emotional stimulation. I am not being sarcastic, I am totally serious.
I do believe this is the psychological profile of the true believer. Facts are beside the point entirely for these people. It's mob mentality; the type that led to lynching, stoning or whatever barbaric practices these types have always cooked up for the non-conforming "others".
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