Wednesday, October 24, 2007


from Crooks & Liars

That’s right. Eleven zeros. New estimates out this week by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office place the cost of the Iraq occupation through 2017 at 2.4 TRILLION dollars, or put another way, $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the US. And that does not include the interest on the foreign loans being used to finance it so that the top 1% can still enjoy their tax cuts.

Pick up on it after the click ...

My comment: OK ... so you don't like the source. You think the source is suspect? Maybe questioning the facts would be more productive.

Your kid's future is secure. Add that $8K to the $30K burden they have as a result of the current national indebtedness plus anything more accumulated along the way to 2017 and they'll be paying this debt off 'til hell freezes over.

Who'd you vote for again?

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